
Items I’ve noticed over the last 40 years.

Lack of Focus and Vision from our local governments. Long term planning and focus is a necessity to improve the quality of life for all members of our community.

Poverty Level is at 13.5% which is higher then the national average. We need to use known and established steps to reduce poverty within our community. Local communities within Muskegon County need to work together to reduce poverty.

Education k-PhD is a key part of reducing poverty and improving quality of life. The people are responsible for the education of our community, not the government. The government is responsible to use community resources to enhance and advance educational opportunities. 6th – 12th students should have the the necessary resources to learn financial life skills weighed the same as English, Math, Science, History and Social Studies. We need to give our youth the tools required to be successful.

Infrastructure must be sound, reliable, and easily upgradable to ensure sustainable growth. It should be visibly appealing that entices business and community growth potential. We have a city you can get to from air, land, and sea yet we have not capitalized on transportation requirements between them. Lack of vision, design, and focus is preventing our growth.

Business Environment consideration is critical to provide and sustain employment growth potential to reduce poverty and increase quality of life. Community resources should be used efficiently to encourage quality job development.

Community Resources should be used to acquire assets and not incur deficits while promoting quality of life and reducing poverty.

Government Generated Revenue from specific sources should be earmarked to address negative impacts those sources may have on our community not just added to the general fund.

Working Together is an unstoppable force to ensure quality of life is increasing equally for everyone. Neighborhoods, villages, townships, cities, districts, schools, colleges, and businesses must be able to easily communicate their needs and resources. This is the biggest disconnect I see within our community.  Municipalities using duplicated efforts to provide services is wasteful. Centralizing some efforts equates to capitalizing on limited resources and reducing overhead costs.

Insulate Community Members from State and Federal policies/mandates that effect the ability to improve quality of life or limit individual freedoms.

State and Federal Resources must be actively sought and used efficiently to improve the quality of life within our community.

Impromptu Issues arise in life that require immediate and prompt resolution. Our commission needs to document a methodology to identify the root cause and implement sustainable resolution(s). Preparing ahead of time is a proactive approach to leadership which maximizes efforts to move our community forward.

Litigation against Muskegon County Government Officials, hired, appointed, or elected is an issue that can be avoided with due diligence. Now that our commissioners have been reduced from 9 to 7 it is even more critical all officials are held accountable.

My main goal as YOUR commissioner, with YOUR input, is to use our community resources to improve the quality of life for EVERYONE.

Election laws require modification to allow a fair opportunity to seek public office. Same requirements for every candidate without consideration to party affiliation. Campaign expenditures need to be capped to the lowest candidate’s ability.

Election integrity is an on going issue. One fraudulent vote equates to one citizen not having a voice. We as a people must ensure every citizen has the opportunity to have their vote count.

Government judiciary versus a citizen requires equality. Government resources capped to the citizens ability to defend themself. Each citizen should have the ability to defend or bring action against the government.

Bills brought before congress must address and be limited a specific topic, End the addition of amendments that are NOT directly related to the topic/issue.

Tired of reading yet, I’m tired of typing :-). Sorry there is so much more I can share with everyone. If you’re tired of reading and still want to know more about me and what I bring to the table? Contact me by what ever method easiest for you. See me in our community, stop and talk.

Interested in learning see my Philosophy page
